Sunday, 25 September 2011

Make 3D Video With a 3D Webcam For Posting at Your Website Or YouTube

The success of the 3D film "Avatar" has generated enormous interest in 3D film and video. Also, the 3D TV is a new category of consumer product that has attracted considerable attention during the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas in January. We expect to see more and more 3D movies in the future, but we'll see the same 2D to 3D Migration to Web video, like YouTube videos? This will depend on how easy it is to make 3D movies.

3D video adds excitement to web video. If you record a video to promote a product that is three dimensional, 3D video will be far more superior than 2D video to let viewers figure out the details of the product. If you're recording video, the viewer will feel the excitement and energy as you can see the singer jumping out the window and reaching out to them!

3D video cameras need to make two separate video streams simultaneously at slightly different angles. It simulates the pictures taken of our left and right around it to see things in a slightly different angle. Our brain combines these two images and creates a 3D world we see every day. This is called stereoscopic vision.

These two videos are encoded with the opposite colors like red and black. When the viewer is wearing the red and cyan 3D glasses, each eye sees a "red" video stream, and the other eye, "cyan" stream. Since these two streams were recorded at a different angle as well as our two eyes, our brain automatically combines them and creates a 3D perception.

have made ​​3D ​​films with 3D film camera which is very expensive and beyond the reach of ordinary consumers. But now, there are inexpensive 3D web camera on the market and they range in price from $ 70 up to $ 200. They also have two camera lenses. They are connected to the USB port of your computer and record two streams videa.Paketu software allows you to use only one stream as a conventional 2D video or codes of these two streams as a "red" and "black", and combines them into 3D video. The viewer has to deal with commonly available red and cyan 3D glasses to see the 3D effect. It is very easy to make 3D video with 3D camera.

resulted in 3D video can be uploaded to your website or on YouTube. They can also work with Skype, MSN, etc. for video konferencije.Paketu 3D software for the PC is now a Mac version should be available soon.

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